About Us
Our Vision
We believe that all students deserve access to high quality teachers and leaders for every step of their school journey. We will support over 100 schools in the next 5 years to close achievement gaps and boost their overall achievement.
Leadership Support
Equitable Outcomes
Instructional Roadmap
Our Mission
Eduserve helps to promote equitable outcomes in schools by guiding school leaders through the stages of a quality, targeted school improvement process. We lead teachers through an instructional roadmap process that helps them identify essential student learning, determine evidence of learning, and align instruction to standards and shifts. With our support, schools develop a systemic approach to outcomes for all students, but especially for students who have been traditionally underserved.
Crafting School Leaders
Guiding visionary leaders to inspire educational excellence and foster positive school communities.
Eduserve Impact
Eduserve transforms education with strategic support for lasting school improvement

Theory of Action

What's Important To Us
The research is clear. Students constantly exposed to quality principals, teachers, and standards-aligned instructional materials are likelier to succeed in schools and be ready for college and career. Eduserve provides schools with a comprehensive coaching program that helps administrators develop and prioritize instructional leadership, builds high-quality teacher practice, and creates a culture of connectivity. We provide teachers and teacher teams with coaching on prioritizing their grade level's major work (standards and shifts) and create classroom routines that develop high levels of student engagement, reasoning, and discourse.
Core Values
Team Building
Effective organizations understand the value of collaboration and high-functioning teams. We believe that strong teams are a vehicle through which teachers and school leaders make meaning of their work, build relationships, and increase impactful teaching practices. Eduserve helps schools develop instructional, executive, and teacher leadership teams. We help teams plan, monitor, and reflect on high-quality instruction and assessments. Eduserve helps school teams conduct focused and collaborative conversations on data, standards, and identifying tasks that promote student discourse, reasoning, and problem-solving. We believe schools with high-functioning teams and leaders drive outcomes for children.

Elevating Diverse Voices
We acknowledge and embrace the idea that every community we work in has a rich, layered, and often complex history. Traditionally marginalized members of our society have often lacked agency in the school experience. Our school improvement process has been structured to include a diverse set of voices as both thought partners and co-architects of the change process. Our needs assessment process is unique in that it uses a combination of achievement data, instructional data, and qualitative data from stakeholders to help our school partners obtain a balanced perspective on serving the needs of students and their families. Following the needs assessment process, we support schools with how to continue to engage stakeholders. We believe that parents, teachers, and school leaders should continue to work together to implement the school’s strategic work. When given appropriate support and systems, parents can be the biggest supports and advocates for our work.
System Building
We define quality teaching, leading, and learning through frameworks that ground our work in research. A facet of our school improvement work involves school leaders and teachers self-assessing the current state of their work against frameworks. This process helps leaders and teachers develop a vision for instruction, select appropriate goals, and develop the strategies, structures, and processes to support high-quality teaching, and standards-aligned instruction. We believe that well-defined systems create collective responsibility and an organization-wide understanding of everyone's role in creating high achievement for all students.


24-year career
Dr. Bobby T. Dillard
Founder and CEO
Dr. Bobby T. Dillard is the founder and owner of Eduserve Consulting. He has a 24-year career that includes working as a teacher, instructional coach, administrator, leadership coach, and a College Professor of Education. He has worked with thousands of teachers, school leaders, and district leaders during his career. Dr. Dillard founded Eduserve as an outgrowth of his mission and passion for creating lifelong learners, preparing children for college and career readiness, and being leaders in any field of their choosing.
Instructional coach
Leadership coach
A College Professor of Education